The giant Tech company Microsoft never stops surprising its users. And that is the sole reason why Microsoft has come up with the Windows 7 home basic version which is the latest release of Microsoft in the Windows 7 series. It doesn’t really matter whether your hardware is 32bit or 64-bit Windows 7 home basic version contains some soft and home basic features and they can be optimized in a way that you can select your efficient settings according to your current requirements.
Most of the features and applications which use high system requirements have been discarded in this version. The users can freely download the Windows 7 home basic with a bunch of new features. Microsoft has also included various shortcuts for keyboard. Although many of the users will tend to get inclined towards Windows 10 or Windows 8 but still Windows 7 can be the choice of millions of users. The home basic version can be considered as a replacement of the previous version Windows Vista.
How Windows 7 Home Basic Edition is Getting Popular in 2020
Since most of the users want non-security features and security features too, the home basic version of Windows 7 just lives up to their expectations. The reliability and simplicity of this version’s interface can be easily understood by almost every user of Windows 7. The performance of the system increases for quite obvious reasons like the replacement of heavy features of the previous operating system is replaced with light and soft features.
Microsoft Windows 7 Home Basic Edition ISO
Thus, this edition can also be used for gaming purposes because the performance of the system is no longer lagging because of the absence of heavy features unlike in the previous version. Learn about Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 ISOand get the queries solved by our experts.
Effective Features of Windows 7 Home Basic Version ISO
Microsoft windows home basic provides several new features and below is a quick overview of them:-
Driver support: You can plug and play any hardware device because of the presence of many built-in plugins as Microsoft has brilliant driver support.
Aero snap: Using this feature, the users are able to attach the windows to the edge of the screen which also leads to speeding up the things you do. Thus, users have a choice to open more than one window at the same time. Along with this, there is another small feature that makes the navigation easier by using Alt+Tab buttons to navigate between the windows and that is Aero desktop.
Zooming: Microsoft has added a dedicated new Function key which can be used for zooming any photo. In order to perform this feature, users can click on the Windows + key to zoom the picture. This can prove to be really beneficial when you are reading small fonts.
Secure user account: The number one stress which online users face is that of being spammed or getting hacked by hackers. But now users don’t need to worry because Microsoft is providing you the full online and offline support. Users now have a choice between allowing or denying the action when they want to install something new on their system, as a window pops-up asking for the same.
Ease in the installation: The windows 7 home basic is quite easy to download as it is only a few clicks Users have the option of opening their essential applications on the new Taskbar so that they can express their easily
New taskbar: Users now have an option in pinning their important application on the new Taskbar so that they can access them with just one click. Any app can be dragged and dropped to get it pinned on the taskbar. You can thus launch that application just by clicking it once.
Gaming: Since the performance of Windows 7 home basic version is improved by light features, the support is improved for Gamers. Gamers would be able to play heavy games without any interruption.
Customizable: The home basic version is going to have the most customizable options which will allow the users to change multiple settings, unlike its previous version Windows Vista.
Jump list: Now the users can quickly access their most used application by quickly jumping on them.
Other notable features of Windows Home Basic Edition version
Advanced firewall, stability, Internet explorer, Web browsing, security.
Pee built features like WINRAR, Internet download manager, Typing Master, etc.
Nice-looking themes and wallpapers.
System Requirements of Windows 7 Home Basic Edition ISO
Windows 7 home basic is a lightweight version of original Windows 7 designed for low configuration laptops and PCs that have limited functionality and services than Windows 7.
Only 1GB minimum RAM, 10GB of storage and Intel Pentium 4 is required to run it whereas Windows 7 takes approx 16GB onto your HDD or SSD.
At the end, if you don’t have a high end pc or the minimum requirements windows 7 demands for, the home basic version of it can be an absolute delight for you.
Download Windows 7 Home Basic ISO- A Complete Guide
We ensure that you are satisfied with the information that we have provided on Windows 7 home basic ISO. Learn the procedure of downloading Windows 7 Home Basic Edition ISO. This version of Windows won’t harm your system yet it will offer you advanced features and smooth functioning over the workflow. If you ever come across with the doubts in downloading Windows Home Basic Edition ISO then feel free to drop in the query in the comment box and our team of experts will try to solve the query in the least possible time.